Wednesday, June 26, 2013


"Don't worry if all the candles in the world flicker and die. We have the sparks that starts the fire." Rumi

it isn't the number of years
but how we'd been together
it isn't the length of time
but the mem'ries we put together
it isn't what others may think
but the desires within our hearts
what really matters most
is how we share our parts

it isn't the number of songs
but the kind of songs we do
it isn't the sight that matters
but our kind of point of view
it isn't the money in our pockets
but the treasure within our souls
it isn't the cost of our future
but how we fulfill our goals

it isn't where we live
but the way we live our lives
it isn't the strength of the waves
but how we swim against the tides
it isn't our freedom alone
but the struggle to fight for it
it isn't the fight itself
but our promise not to quit

First written in 1993
Revised 11-27-00

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