Tuesday, February 23, 2016


“Never was anything great achieved without danger”. Machiavelli

exigency has brought me here
i guess there’s no turning back
i’ve wasted too much time
but I can still repair the crack
now I have a better view
something has caught my eyes
i hope this sudden change
will be a blessing in disguise

more time to think about
what I want to do next
more space to move around
and try what works best
it’s still quite a long shot
more are yet to be done
but when I look at the sky
i see a brighter sun

i’ll stay in here for now
until I find a better place
will wait for the proper time
as I improve my pace
looking far and beyond
i know something’s out there
i’ll go past the boundaries
set by those who say; “don’t dare”.

Winnipeg MB Canada